Our Story
Full Circle is a distinguished publisher of non-fiction and classic and contemporary fiction. Known for quality publishing and production, Full Circle continues its commitment towards providing good reading at a great value.
We are dedicated towards creating a peaceful and harmonious inner and outer world ever mindful of our connection with the divine-human spirit.
Tota Books is a dynamic & diverse children’s books imprint of Full Circle Publishing, a major and established Indian publisher. Tota Books published its first titles in 2014, concentrating primarily on picture books, which focus on high-quality illustrations and carefully edited texts. The books aim at a wide audience while proposing young and new illustrators’ and authors’ voices. This new and ambitious list has acquired a special place in the libraries of young readers.
Today, the Full Circle Group also has three bookstores in Delhi with accompanying cafés.
Our fine books are available at all leading bookstores across the country.